Saturday, September 20, 2014

New blog for Julie Foster Photography

I finally got a new website/blog all-in-one.  That is why I haven't posted in FOREVER.  I will be posting on my new blog from here on out.  You can view it by clicking here.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Back to School {forney photographer}

My sweet little side kick started back to school last week.  While I will miss him hanging out with me all day, I thoroughly enjoy my "me time"…I actually kicked it off with a wonderful brunch with friends at Crumbzz in downtown Forney.  If you haven't ever been there-you should go-it is soooo good!  Here is a glimpse as to what I will miss each and everyday… 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Halloween Mini Sessions {forney photographer}

Because Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I will be offering Halloween mini sessions this year-at a great price!  Send me an email for more info!