Saturday, March 22, 2014

1 Reason I Love Photoshop

There are several different editing programs you can use to edit your photos.  I just happen to use Photoshop and I love it.  It is what I learned to edit on in college and since I already knew the basics, when it came time to buy some editing software, I figured it would be easy to stick with Photoshop instead of learning something new like Lightroom.  The latest edition of PS has this cool new tool called the "patch tool" and it basically allows you to select something, and move it off your photo and voila-it's gone!  Here's my before & after of these sweet brothers.
Before-I didn't like the electrical boxes above the oldest brother's head, so I removed it.

 And After-doesn't it look so much better?!  Almost like the boxes never existed!  I might even take out the AC unit…we'll see.

More to come of these brothers photo session next week. :)

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