Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sam Turned 3!! {forney children photographer}

I had all these great ideas of where we would go for a fun photo shoot with my son once he turned 3…but they (kids) always seem to have other plans, don't they?!  He didn't have a nap the day of the shoot (something he is refusing more and more lately) and so 1) we had to keep it very close to the house instead of the Harbor in Rockwall like I had planned and 2) my wonderful husband and I were singing at the top of our lungs any and every kid song we knew to keep him awake on the way to the shoot.  It was quite the night.  I am just glad I got some of him happy!  These were all taken in Forney, Texas. 

I am so thankful for my husband, who since day 1 of Sam being born, anytime I have an idea for a photo shoot (whether it be 30 days notice or 30 minutes notice), he jumps up and says "let's do it"! :)

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